Determinants Influencing the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Lubang Buaya Sub-District, East Jakarta


  • Buhannudin Thohir Universitas Respati Indonesia
  • Cicilia Windiyaningsih 1Universitas Respati Indonesia
  • Zainal Abidin 1Universitas Respati Indonesia
  • Iriani Samad Samad Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), presence of larvae


Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infection transmitted by the dengue virus. This disease virus is transmitted through mosquitoes called Aedes aegypti. These mosquitoes have the ability to breed very rapidly, causing approximately 390 million people to be infected each year worldwide. Usually, the dengue virus is found in tropical and subtropical regions such as urban and suburban areas around the world, including Indonesia.

Objective: This study was conducted to determine the determinant factors influencing the occurrence of DHF in Lubang Buaya Subdistrict, East Jakarta in 2022.

Method: Using an analytical observational study design with a case-control study approach. Data analysis used included univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses. The study employed multiple logistic regression analysis.

Results: There is a significant relationship between host factors (frequency of draining water containers, covering water containers, hanging clothes, bird drinking places, the use of wire mesh, and mosquito repellent use (p value <0.05)) with DHF. Similarly, environmental factors (house density, fish ponds, household items, water dispenser, room lighting, ornamental plants, presence of larvae, and housing density (p value <0.05)) are related to DHF. Conclusion: The most dominant factor influencing the occurrence of DHF is the presence of mosquito larvae.



How to Cite

Thohir, B., Windiyaningsih, C., Abidin, Z., & Samad, I. S. (2023). Determinants Influencing the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Lubang Buaya Sub-District, East Jakarta. BALABA, 19(1). Retrieved from




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