Author Guideline
BALABA is a six-monthly journal publishing manuscripts in the field of epidemiology. The manuscript sent to the journal editor is a research paper or a draft of the literature review concept that has not been published elsewhere. The manuscript sent contains the title, name (team) of the author(s), email address(s) (team) of the author(s), correspondence address, abstract in English. Articles consist of abstracts, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgment, and references. Manuscripts must have max 10 pages with 1 space. The manuscript is written using a Microsoft Word or PDF computer program with Times New Roman font size 11 within A4 page size and moderate size margin. The title is in English uses 14 New Times Roman. Indonesian titles use Times New Roman, italic with size 11. The origin of the institution and the email address (team) of the researcher are listed under the English title using 11 Times New Roman. Initial Paragraph protrudes 0.5 inches, with the number of columns 2.