Description of Anthrax Outbreak in Tinatar Village, Punung Sub-District, Pacitan District in 2023


  • Nur Sahiral Layaly
  • Insharie Arie Sagita
  • Putu Aditya Anggriawan
  • Atik Choirul Hidajah Universitas Airlangga
  • Siti Shofiya Novita Sari 3Departemen Epidemiologi, Biostatistik, Kependudukan, dan Promosi Kesehatan, Universitas Airlangga
  • Theodola Baning Rahayujati
  • Anak Agung Sagung Sawitri
  • Aris Istianah
  • A. Ratgono


Cattle, Cutaneous Anthrax, , Outbreaks


The Pacitan District Health Office carried out a series of activities control Anthrax, since suspected skin Anthrax patient reported on June 16, 2023, but cases still occurring. Investigation aims to determine description cases according person, time, and place, source of transmission, and risk factors. Investigation carried out on 7-20 August 2023 in Tinatar Village. Sources of transmission and risk factors obtained through in-depth interviews and observations. It was found 25 dead cattle and 12 cases Anthrax humans with 100% symptoms cutaneous Anthrax. Confirmed cases 67%. Most sufferers were female (83%), highest proportion in 15–65-year age group (75%), and worked as farmers and cattle breeders (75%). Epidemic curve was propagated. Cases spread across 4 hamlets, most in Ngemplak Hamlet. Source of transmission thought to come from direct contamination from blood of dead cows thought to be suffering from Anthrax disease and spore contamination in cow's feeding area. Risk factors Anthrax include buying and selling livestock animals are management and slaughter of livestock that not comply with standards. It was recommended to increase understanding Anthrax risk management, provide outreach to increase implementation of clean and healthy living behavior, and increase the capacity of Community Health Center surveillance officers.





How to Cite

Layaly, N. S., Sagita, I. . A., Anggriawan, P. A., Hidajah, A. C., Sari, S. S. N., Rahayujati, T. B., … Ratgono, A. (2024). Description of Anthrax Outbreak in Tinatar Village, Punung Sub-District, Pacitan District in 2023. BALABA, 20(1). Retrieved from


