The Effect of Characteristics of Containers On Larvae Aedes sp. Density and The Risk of Spreading of Dengue Fever in The Endemic Area in Indonesia
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is influenced by the density of disease vectors. One of government program to reduce dengue cases in Indonesia is the Eradication of Mosquito Nest (PSN) through monitoring of Water Reservoirs (TPA). This study aims to determine the opportunities for TPA characteristics to influence the presence of Aedes sp. larvae in 19 provinces in Indonesia in the Riset Khusus Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit in 2015 and 2016. The study was conducted cross sectionally in 570 areas near settlements which are dengue endemic areas and each province was taken three districts that have one DHF endemic area. The data obtained in the form of landfill characteristics variables and the presence of larvae of Aedes sp. analyzed descriptively and logistic regression. The analysis showed that 88% of the landfill contained larvae. Almost all the characteristics of the landfill examined have an effect on the existence of larvae with an average odd ratio of 3.2. Properly done landfill drainage significantly reduces the chances of mosquito eggs hatching into larvae by 11,843 times more than landfills that are rarely drained. Maintaining fish larvae in the landfill has a significant effect in reducing the population of mosquito larvae by 4.937 times. Sowing container with larvasida has the opportunity to reduce mosquito larvae by 4.483 times. The results of this study can be used as a basis for DHF control efforts in communities in endemic areas.